Computational Transportation Lab

The Computational Transportation Lab (CAKE-CTL), led by Dr. Oliver Ullrich, is a division of National Science Foundation's Industry-University Cooperative Research Center for Advanced Knowledge Enablement at Florida International and Atlantic Universities and Dubna International University (Russia) (I/UCRC-CAKE).

CTL is focusing on researching and developing advanced consumer-oriented, predictive, and multimodal transportation management software and technology in cooperation with industry, academic, and municipal partners.

The traffic manager’s operation center ...

can be customized according to needs and available data.

The smart phone application in development ...

integrates transit, parking, ridesharing and more.

The Computational Transportation Lab's Informed Traveler System provides both customized real-time and predictive information to individual users about multimodal and intermodal transportation conditions, as well as innovative decision support for parking and transportation providers. It will enable the individual user to make optimum route and mode choices and will enable the service providers to efficiently manage individual traffic, transit and parking more effectively as a large-scale transportation demand management system. The Informed Traveler System will recommend trip segment choices before travel decision points that improve travel arrival times, costs, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions and provide decision support for community transit and parking providers. The Informed Traveler System software will address individual motorized and un-motorized traffic movements, access to public transit, and parking availabilities. It will be developed to be interoperable with and to receive information from various locally deployed technology systems. The main aims of the System are therefore not only to provide optimum experiences from an individual user's point of view, but also to consider global optima regarding resource optimization and maximum decongestion from a public service provider's point of view.

CTL will undertake through education, training and research, the advancement of traffic control center expertise (e.g., ITS, Transportation Operations, Traffic Engineering, Traffic Control Signals, Traffic Control Signal Operations and other evolving areas of advanced transportation and congestion management technologies deployment).

Major components ...

illustrating major components of the Informed Traveler System

The Miami urban area ...

and its major traffic generators and transportation hubs

The Informed Traveler System Phase 1 is currently being developed and tested iteratively as part of the US DOT funded UniversityCity Prosperity Project, a partnership of FIU and the neighboring City of Sweetwater. To optimally leverage the Informed Traveler System's potential, Sweetwater and FIU have founded the UniversityCity Transportation and Management Association, providing advanced parking management and public transit options to the UniversityCity area. The Informed Traveler System is therefore not a purely academic effort, but embedded in a thriving, young community with 50,000 students and 20,000 Sweetwater residents, continuously scrutinized by its users and municipal partners.

The Informed Traveler System already provides a big-data collection, analytics, awareness, and distribution infrastructure, and can quickly adapt and integrate new technologies. It unifies both historical and real-time data and includes intelligent stochastic processing to provide optimum information for travelers at any point in time.

Additional Images

The operations center ...

highlighting performance of both computational and traffic components.

On board passenger information ...

are powerful tool to facilitate passenger’s travel experiences.

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    Florida International University
    University Park, ECS-243
    Miami, FL 33199
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