TerraFly Data Services
GeoQuery: ALTA Images: ALTA Balloon-collected aerial images near 11115 SW 2 ST, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33174 Latitude 25.7668 Longitude -80.37614 GeoQuery: ALTA Images: ALTA Balloon-collected aerial images near 11115 SW 2 ST, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33174 Latitude 25.7668 Longitude -80.37614


( 2014-02-12:20:53:54

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Dataset: ALTA Images: ALTA Balloon-collected aerial images

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links to loca­tions & detailsFile NameImageDate-TimeAltitude BP (meters)Heading (degrees)SatellitesPitch (degrees)Pressure (pascals)Roll (degrees)Temperature (deg Celsius)Image Size

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Link to query each field of ALTA Images: ALTA Balloon-collected aerial images near 11115 SW 2 ST, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33174 Value in the first recordsee also

ADC (digital-counts)


ADC2: Analog to Digital Converter (this will be meaningful measurement data in a later stage) (digital counts)


ADC3: Analog to Digital Converter (this will be meaningful measurement data in a later stage) (digital counts)


ADC4: Analog to Digital Converter (this will be meaningful measurement data in a later stage) (digital counts)


Camera-pitch: the rotation around HORIZONTAL axis: 0=looking to horizon, -45=oblique 45 degrees, -90=straight down (degrees)


Course (degrees)






File Name


File Size (KB)


Geoid: altitude correction between the elliptical shape of Earth amd Mean Seal Level (meters)


Heading: Camera view direction, with 0=North, 90=West, 180=South, 270=East (degrees)




Image Height (pixels)


Image Size


Image Width (pixels)


Pitch: the rotation around HORIZONTAL axis: 0=looking to horizon, -45=oblique 45 degrees, -90=straight down (degrees)


Pressure (pascals)


Roll: the angle that makes vertical lines non-vertical from the camera point-of-view (degrees)


Satellites: the number of GPS satellites locked on






X1: trapezoid vertex Longitude (degrees)


X2: trapezoid vertex Longitude (degrees)


X3: trapezoid vertex Longitude (degrees)


X4: trapezoid vertex Longitude (degrees)


Y1: ground view projection trapezoid vertex nearest to camera, Latitude (degrees)


Y2: trapezoid vertex second nearest to camera, Latitude (degrees)



Some of the data presented herein is courtesy of USGS, NavTeq, CoreLogic, IBM, Cuartos.org, Microsoft, Recommend.org, MIA.Turs.net Sweetwater hotels, Hotels-Shopper.com, DrRecommend.com, Books-maps.com. TerraFly® is produced at Florida International University (Mark Rosenberg, President, Douglas Wartzok, Provost), College of Engineering and Computing (Amir Mirmiran, Dean), School of Computing and Information Sciences (S.S. Iyengar, Director), High Performance Database Research Center (Naphtali Rishe, Director).

2014.02.12 20:53:54